THE show!

Last Sunday Luka’s in Oakland hosted the first showing of my travel photography. Me and 60 of my closest friends, colleagues, and clients gathered to watch the Oscars, view my BIG prints, and eat Luka’s awesome food…

Top right to left – #1 John Woods, me, Kevin Chin, Justin Fone, and Suzy Clement. #2 Luka’s before the show. #3 Me and Andrew Weeks. #4 The hallway at Luka’s. #5 My husband, Craig and my travel buddy, Sue Meylan. #6 Elisheva’s cute husband, Elisheva Basseri, Nancy Liu Chin. #7 Armando. #8 Amy Hayson. #9 Luka’s during the show. (Photos taken by Kevin Chin, Michelle Walker, and Amy Hayson.)A very, very special thank you to John Woods of Enhanced Lighting who made my work look really good, Amy Hayson of Peculiar Pair Press who created the invitations, Maria & the crew at Luka’s Taproom and Lounge, and DJ Joe Franco who spun the rockin’ tunes.

Every year I get to travel somewhere exotic and fun to photograph my personal work. For Luka’s show, I displayed photographs from Cuba, India, Africa, and Peru. To check them out, please go to my NEW website at



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